
Read my blog before submitting. If your release is a heavy metal Christmas, Spanish guitar, big band, bro-country, mainstream pop, or ambient noise, etc, etc, etc, I am not likely to get into it. If your release is indie rock, indie pop, alt. country, folk, or something along those lines… I could be VERY into it. I cannot promise a review, but the closer to my wheelhouse it is, the likelier I will. But check out the last 10 reviews and you should have a general idea of what this site champions.

If you would like me to review your release, you can contact me at christmasunderground(at) -or- via snail-mail to Christmas Underground, 73 Southwest View Dr., Lexington, VA 24450. I very much do love physical media… but I would much rather you send me a Bandcamp download code if at all possible, let me freak out over how much I love your record (and then if you want to be a total peach, perhaps then send me your LP/CD/cassette? That would be my dream scenario.). I spend way too much on what I end up reviewing. Usually, reviewers get that stuff for free! Isn’t that the game? Well, I’m very much losing at this game.

If you live overseas… please, please, please think long and hard about spending all that money to send me something that likely isn’t even a Christmas record. Which, FYI, is the majority of the tiny bit of mail I do get… non-Christmas records.

5 Replies to “Submissions”

  1. I don’t have a submission, but I am diggin your site! ‘Tis the season, so post more often! I’m always on the prowl for good indie xmas tunes and would love to see what you come up with. The new Starbucks comp has a few goodies on it. Anyway, keep it up!

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