Collars “Christmas In The 90s” (2022)

Laundry Rooms Records

I have this feeling that someone sent me this song last year… and I just can’t remember who. It was on my Soundcloud list last year, and somehow I didn’t write about it, and I have no clue why. My best guess is that I added it without really listening to it, which in the heat of the season… well… it happens. A well-meaning, “save something to listen to later,” kind of gesture. Well, if you tipped me off on this, and I have plum forgot, I apologize.

NOW, how about this very British bop about “Christmas in the 90s!” (Look at me using bop…) Hidden towards the end of a proper, non-Christmas record, 2022’s Clyde, Collars are really channeling the Britpop wars (well, the war between the Gallagher brothers), the Hacienda, raves, and gentrification. Wrap that up with a catchy-as-hell beat and that wonderful layered ending… this one is bound to be a popular mix-addition.

Bottom Line: This song is a ton of fun. Pair it with The Futureheads’ “Christmas in the 80’s” to begin a tracklist of decade-specific holiday fare!


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