Evgenya Redko – Odė Kal​ė​doms (2022)

Self Released

Let’s get this party started right.

This blog is now devoted to Lithuanian disco-influenced pop. Evgenya Redko‘s Odė Kal​ė​doms kicks off with the undeniable “Pakyl​ė​tas Gruodis,” (Google translation – “Exalted December”) delighting us with its Nile Rodgers-inspired guitar rhythms, daring you not to love it. Using some rather inelegant Google translation, I believe the song to be about wanting to pause time at Christmas and spending those moments with the one you love. I can get behind the sentiment, but I am mainly here for that groove. So, so infectious – give me more! The two songs that follow are both excellent, more conventional pop songs: “Beproti​š​kai Ilgiuosi” (translation: I Miss You So Much) and “Tavo Rankose Per Kal​ė​das” (translation: In Your Hands at Christmas). I can’t find lyrics for those at the moment… but man… you don’t really need anything else than that first song. It is so damn fun.

Bottom Line: Who knew I’d love Lithuanian disco so much? Maybe you all saw this coming, but I sure did not.


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