Le Couleur “Le Dernier Noël” (2018)

Lisbon Lux Records
Buy: Bandcamp (NYOP)

Le Couleur are an electro pop band from Montreal, and while I truly don’t speak a lick of French, I’m presenting considering it, among three other french-language tracks for my mix this year. “Le Dernier Noel,” if Google translate has not led me astray, is a song about a Christmas party with romantic intrigue, booze, and if I’m not mistaken, cocaine. You know, some real Bing Crosby shit. So, if you find yourself like me, in the (hopefully) last 2 days of wrapping up your Christmas mix and need something to liven things up, this might just do it.

Bottom Line: Le Couleur have a fantastic groove, one that makes you forget you have no real foreign-language skills.


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